In this article, you will read about several tools for promoting the quiz and reminding people when the quiz is about to start so that everyone can comfortably enjoy the game without having to jot down a reminder on a post-it note that gets easily lost in a busy daily schedule anyway.
The real-time multi-player quiz by InteractionUp is one of the most innovative web games today. It opens a new era of engagement and marketing potential. The quiz brings together real people who compete against each other in real-time and the more players participate, the more fun the quiz becomes.That’s why it is vital to promote the quiz and reach as many people as possible.
The most impactful online notification tool is without a doubt push notification that appears directly on a phone screen. However, prerequisites for using push notifications are installing a mobile app of the specific web and having enough app users. (We believe 10 000+ active app users are enough).When these prerequisites are met, the most ideal time for push notification is 10 minutes before the start of the quiz.
Thanks to Gmail’s worldwide popularity, calendar notification is a very useful way to send reminders. Compared to other calendar services, its biggest advantage is sending a reminder even if users have not accepted the invite to a quiz game.A pop-up notification is sent in Google calendar both on phones and desktops. Usually, the pop-up reminder appears 30 minutes before an event, but this time can be personalized.
It is natural for people to pay the most attention to web headlines and headline articles, which then get the most views. That’s why we strongly recommend using the headline space to promote the quiz.
Instagram can be a great tool for quiz promotion. It can considerably encourage people to participate and raise the overall participant number, especially when using Instagram stories at least 2x before the quiz. The first story should appear approximately 12 hours and the second story 1 hour before the quiz starts.
Facebook brings the lowest impact, however, in combination with promoting on other social networks, Facebook is also a good place to reach a certain number of participants.